Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Temper temper and addiction

My child has reasons to throw all out fits. She was sick the last week with double ear infections. Did she throw horrible fits because of the feeling crummy and the pain? No, not really. She was pretty good.
What caused my daughter to scream? Her Gossie and Gertie books that her little birthday buddy and his brother and sister (not to mention their wonderful parents) gave to her when she was born. We have started giving her board books (especially these ones) to look at. She likes the pretty pictures. She can even turn the pages on her own. What happened when her dad tried to take the book from her to READ it to her? Meltdown. She screamed at him until he gave it back to her.  Then she smiled her big cheesy smile. She is a pretty big fan of Gossie and Gertie.
Can you say independent and stubborn?

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